Long Distance Hikes
In my last post, I talked about how I'd definitely like to return to Iceland at some point in the future. One of the reasons for this, as well as the beautiful scenery, is the chance to complete hike lasting multiple days, as it's a much better way of reaching some of the more remote and lesser seen sites in the centre area of the country. Plus, it would be a great experience overall.
Before attempting anything abroad however, I believe that I should try and complete some more locally. Personally, I've always fancied perhaps completing a hike in Scotland such as section of the popular West Highland Way, ever since seeing it marked on map when visiting Scotland previously. It's not the only choice, and a quick google search whilst researching for this article gave me this site www.walkhighlands.co.uk which lists a number of different long distance hikes including their respective timings.
Although I feel that completing one of these walks is something I will definitely achieve, answering the question of when is harder, though I would prefer it to be sooner rather than later. I need to prepare, plans and hopefully find some people who would like to do it with me because although its nice to get away from people at times, I feel this would be an experience best shared, particularly as it would be my first time. At the end of day, if I do end up actually going on one of these hikes I can guarantee that I will write about it here.